construction and operation projects in Mexico, USA and LATAM.
More than 70 years of experience in the field of engineering,

in construction and transport operation.
in construction of water infrastructure.
of experience in industrial construction projects.

Experience and Responsibility
EPCCOR works with various Government Agencies as PEMEX, SCT, IMSS, CFE, State and Municipal Governments, as well as private customers in several sectors.We are certificated in the following international standards:
- ISO 14001 Environmental
- ISO 9001 Quality
- OHSAS 18001 Safety and Health
We are involved in Social Responsibility Programs in the areas of:
- Health (Founding Patron of the Biggest Handicapped Children Foundation “Teletón México” and “Teletón USA”)
- Education
- Attention and support to the authorities in natural disasters
Featured Projects
We have some projects in which our staff has participated over more than five decades.